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Tutorial 11: Texture mapping

Mapping textures to polygons is a technique that gives 3D models a realistic look, by making use of 2D images. Learn the basics of texture mapping with this tutorial.
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Texture mapping is a technique used to "paint" an image, or part thereof, onto a polygon. Consider the following image that could potentially be used as a texture bitmap.

The PNG file format is the recommended format for storing texture bitmaps. PNG supports loss-less data compression (high quality images) and has full alpha channel support (transparency).

It is best practice to ensure that the dimensions of your textures are power-of-two (e.g. 32 by 32 pixels or 128 by 128 pixels). Power-of-two dimensions ensure backward compatibility with older hardware and in certain cases improve the rendering speed.

The mapping of texture bitmaps onto polygons is a very straightforward process. We simply need to match the coordinates on a texture bitmap to the vertices of a polygon. OpenGL will automatically handle the drawing of the texture onto the polygon. The image below illustrates how the coordinates of a texture bitmap might be matched with the vertices of polygons.

The diagram below illustrates the UV-coordinate system, or UV Map, that we use when mapping texture bitmaps to polygons.

Using the above coordinate system as a reference, we can now easily map a texture, or part thereof, to a polygon as shown below.

Tutorial Steps

1. Open Xojo.
2. In the Project Chooser select Desktop.
3. Enter "Tutorial011" as the Application Name, and click OK.
4. Save your project.
5. Configure the following controls:

Control Name DoubleBuffer Left Top Maximize Button
Window SurfaceWindow - - - ON
OpenGLSurface Surface ON 0 0 -

6. Position and size Surface to fill the whole window, and set its locking to left, top, bottom and right.

7. Add the following code to the SurfaceWindow.Paint event handler:


8. Import the X3Core module, created in the previous tutorial.
9. Add the following code to the Surface.Open event handler:


X3_EnableLight OpenGL.GL_LIGHT0, new X3Core.X3Light(0, 0, 1)

10. Add the following code to the Surface.Resized event handler:

X3_SetPerspective Surface

11. Add the following method to module X3Core:

Function X3_LoadRGBATexture(RGBABitmap As MemoryBlock, width As Integer, height As Integer) As Integer
  // IMPORTANT: Image dimensions must be in power of 2 (e.g. 8x8, 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, ...)

  Dim idMB As MemoryBlock
  Dim oglName As Integer

  idMB = new MemoryBlock(4)
  OpenGL.glGenTextures(1, idMB)
  oglName = idMB.Long(0)

  OpenGL.glBindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, OGLName)


  OpenGL.glTexImage2d(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, width, height , 0, OpenGL.GL_RGBA, OpenGL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, RGBABitmap)

  return oglName
End Function

12. Add a new class named "X3Texture" to module X3Core.
13. Add the following properties to X3Texture:

Name Type
Height Integer
Width Integer
OGLName Integer
RGBABitmap MemoryBlock

14. Add the following method to X3Texture.

Sub Constructor(texture As Picture)
  Dim x, y, offset As Integer
  Dim textCol As Color
  Dim textMaskCol As Color
  Dim alpha As Byte

  Width = texture.Width
  Height = texture.Height

  RGBABitmap = new MemoryBlock(Height * Width * 4)

  offset = 0

  for y = 0 to Height - 1

      for x = 0 to Width - 1

      textCol = texture.RGBSurface.Pixel(x,y)
      textMaskCol = texture.Mask.RGBSurface.Pixel(x, y)

      alpha = 255 - (textMaskCol.Red + textMaskCol.Green + textMaskCol.Blue) / 3

      RGBABitmap.Byte(offset) = textCol.Red
      RGBABitmap.Byte(offset + 1) = textCol.Green
      RGBABitmap.Byte(offset + 2) = textCol.Blue
      RGBABitmap.Byte(offset + 3) = alpha

      offset = offset + 4

    next x

  next y

  OGLName = X3_LoadRGBATexture(RGBABitmap, Width, Height)
End Sub

15. Add the following method to X3Texture.

Sub Destructor()
  Dim texturePtr As MemoryBlock


  texturePtr = new MemoryBlock(4)

  texturePtr.Long(0) = OGLName

  OpenGL.glDeleteTextures(1, texturePtr)
End Sub

16. Add a new class named "X3UVCoordinate" to module X3Core.
17. Add the following properties to X3UVCoordinate:

Name Type
U Double
V Double

18. Add the following method to X3UVCoordinate.

Sub Constructor(initU As Double, initV As Double)
  U = initU
  V = initV
End Sub

19. Add the following properties to X3Polygon:

Name Type
Texture X3Texture
UVMap() X3UVCoordinate

20. Replace the code in the X3Core.X3_RenderModel method with the following:

Dim i, j As Integer
Dim poly As X3Core.X3Polygon


for i = 0 to model.Polygon.Ubound

  poly = model.Polygon(i)

  OpenGL.glNormal3d poly.Normal.X, poly.Normal.Y, poly.Normal.Z

  if (poly.Texture <> nil) and (poly.UVMap.Ubound >= poly.Vertex.Ubound) then

    OpenGL.glColor4d(1, 1, 1, 1)

    OpenGL.glBindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, poly.Texture.OGLName)

    for j = 0 to poly.Vertex.Ubound

      OpenGL.glTexCoord2d poly.UVMap(j).U, poly.UVMap(j).V
      OpenGL.glVertex3d poly.Vertex(j).X, poly.Vertex(j).Y, poly.Vertex(j).Z

    next j

    OpenGL.glBindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)


    if poly.FillColor <> nil then
      OpenGL.glColor4d(poly.FillColor.Red, poly.FillColor.Green, poly.FillColor.Blue, poly.FillColor.Alpha)
      OpenGL.glColor4d(1, 1, 1, 1)
    end if

    for j = 0 to poly.Vertex.Ubound
      OpenGL.glVertex3d poly.Vertex(j).X, poly.Vertex(j).Y, poly.Vertex(j).Z
    next j

  end if

  next i


21. Import the X3Test module into your project.
22. Add the following property to SurfaceWindow:

Name Type
Model X3Core.X3Model

23. Download texture.png and save it next to your project file.
24. Import the picture into your project and rename it to "imgTexture".
25. Add the following code to the SurfaceWindow.Open event handler:

Self.MouseCursor = System.Cursors.StandardPointer

Model = X3Test_Cube4(imgTexture)

26. Add the following code to the end of the X3Core.X3_Initialize method:

OpenGL.glEnable OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D

27. Add the following code to the Surface.Render event handler:

OpenGL.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1)


OpenGL.glTranslatef 0, 0, -4.0
OpenGL.glRotated(30, 1, 0, 0)
OpenGL.glRotated(30, 0, 1, 0)
X3_RenderModel Model


28. Save and run your project.


The X3Core.X3_LoadRGBATexture helper method is used load RGBA texture bitmaps into OpenGL memory. X3Core.X3_LoadRGBATexture returns an integer that is used to bind to the texture during the mapping of the texture onto polygons.

X3Texture is a class that makes working with textures easier. The Width and Height properties stores the dimensions of the texture. The OGLName property stores the Integer that OpenGL assigned to the texture. RGBABitmap is a memory block that stores the pixel color data of the texture.


Sub Constructor(texture As Picture)
  Dim x, y, offset As Integer
  Dim textCol As Color
  Dim textMaskCol As Color
  Dim alpha As Byte

  Width = texture.Width
  Height = texture.Height

  RGBABitmap = new MemoryBlock(Height * Width * 4)

  offset = 0

  for y = 0 to Height - 1

      for x = 0 to Width - 1

      textCol = texture.RGBSurface.Pixel(x,y)
      textMaskCol = texture.Mask.RGBSurface.Pixel(x, y)

      alpha = 255 - (textMaskCol.Red + textMaskCol.Green + textMaskCol.Blue) / 3

      RGBABitmap.Byte(offset) = textCol.Red
      RGBABitmap.Byte(offset + 1) = textCol.Green
      RGBABitmap.Byte(offset + 2) = textCol.Blue
      RGBABitmap.Byte(offset + 3) = alpha

      offset = offset + 4

    next x

  next y

  OGLName = X3_LoadRGBATexture(RGBABitmap, Width, Height)
End Sub
The constructor of the X3Texture class takes a normal Picture object as a parameter. First the Width and Height properties of the X3Texture is initialized with the Width and Height properties of the picture object. The picture object is then transformed by the constructor into a MemoryBlock that is stored in the RGBABitmap property. Finally the texture bitmap is loaded into memory with the X3_LoadRGBATexture helper method.

Sub Destructor()
  Dim texturePtr As MemoryBlock


  texturePtr = new MemoryBlock(4)
  texturePtr.Long(0) = OGLName

  OpenGL.glDeleteTextures(1, texturePtr)
End Sub
The destructure of the X3Texture class is called when the X3Texture object is destroyed. The texture is linked to a bitmap loaded into OpenGL memory, we unload this bitmap in the destructure of X3Texture. The unloading is done by using the glDeleteTextures function together with the OGLName assigned to the bitmap.

Sub Constructor(initU As Double, initV As Double)
  U = initU
  V = initV
End Sub
The X3UVCoordinate object stores a single UV-coordinate, and when used in an array together with other X3UVCoordinate instances, forms an UV-map that maps a texture to a polygon. The constructor method makes it easy to instantiate a new coordinate with predefined values. We simply set the U and V properties of the coordinate equal to the given values.

OpenGL.glEnable OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D
The new instruction added to the end of the X3_Initialize method, enables OpenGL's texture mapping feature. We can now bind to textures during rendering, and map these textures onto polygons.

Dim i, j As Integer
Dim poly As X3Core.X3Polygon


for i = 0 to model.Polygon.Ubound

  poly = model.Polygon(i)

  OpenGL.glNormal3d poly.Normal.X, poly.Normal.Y, poly.Normal.Z

  if (poly.Texture <> nil) and (poly.UVMap.Ubound >= poly.Vertex.Ubound) then

    OpenGL.glColor4d(1, 1, 1, 1)

    OpenGL.glBindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, poly.Texture.OGLName)

    for j = 0 to poly.Vertex.Ubound

      OpenGL.glTexCoord2d poly.UVMap(j).U, poly.UVMap(j).V
      OpenGL.glVertex3d poly.Vertex(j).X, poly.Vertex(j).Y, poly.Vertex(j).Z

    next j

    OpenGL.glBindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)


    if poly.FillColor <> nil then
      OpenGL.glColor4d(poly.FillColor.Red, poly.FillColor.Green, poly.FillColor.Blue, poly.FillColor.Alpha)
      OpenGL.glColor4d(1, 1, 1, 1)
    end if

    for j = 0 to poly.Vertex.Ubound
      OpenGL.glVertex3d poly.Vertex(j).X, poly.Vertex(j).Y, poly.Vertex(j).Z
    next j

  end if

  next i

The new rendering routine distinguishes between two types of polygons, polygons that have a texture object assigned to them, and polygons without textures (only color).

When a polygon has a texture assigned to it, we bind to this texture using the glBindTexture function. The glTexCoord2d function is called with the UV-coordinates for each vertex, just before sending the vertex coordinates to OpenGL. Once we've completed the drawing of the vertices, we "unbind" from the texture using the glBindTexture function with a parameter value of 0.

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